EAR-LP Series @ 1 Micron : 1-100W Linearly Polarized C&L Band Erbium Fiber Amplifiers
The EAR-LP Series is a line of universal broadband, high power, linearly polarized, single mode fiber amplifiers covering the spectral range from 1540 to 1600nm. The series includes 1 to 100 W versions. These user friendly devices are designed to serve laboratory or OEM maintenance free applications over a wide range of ambient conditions.
Typical bandwidth of the amplifier is 10-25nm (depending on output power) which allows for tunability of input signal for exact wavelength matching. Input power range can vary from microwatts to 100s of milliWatts.
EAR-LP Series amplifiers do not need water cooling or replacement parts. They require only a 110/220V AC power source to provide amplification for your low power signal.EAR-LP Series is optimized for linearly polarized CW or pulsed input signals and can be used for variety of applications including coherent or spectral beam combining, detection system, free-space communications, and other applications.
Main Features:
Output powers up to 100W
High extinction ratio
No maintenance
Wide dynamic range
Linear or circular polarization
Automatic power and current control
Coherent or spectral beam combining
Detection systems
Free-space communications
High power testing