YAR Series @ 1 Micron : 1-50W Ytterbium Fiber Amplifier
The YAR-LP-SF Series is a line of universal high power single mode, single frequency (< 10kHz), linearly polarized fiber amplifiers covering the spectral range from 1030 to 1070nm. The series includes 1 W to 50 W versions. These high performance units are designed to provide an end user with high end-parameters. All this out of a convenient package that includes user friendly manual as well as GPIB and RS-232 interfaces. Isolators, either output built in or detachable, are available (depending output power level). A custom package is available on request.
The YAR-LP-SF Series can be used for variety of applications including coherent beam combining, detection systems, He3 pumping, sensing and other applications. YAR Series-LP-SF amplifiers do not need water cooling or replacement parts. They require only a 110/220V AC power source to provide amplification for your low power signal.
Main Features:
Up to 50 W saturated output power
Single mode PM fiber delivery
Highly reliable
Automatic power and current control
Air or water cooled
Output isolator option
Coherent or spectral beam combining
Detection Systems
He3 pumping